Robert Hughes Financial Solutions

Financial Solutions Inc. – Robert Hughes – Sep 2022

Cycle of Market Emotions

Getting emotional about investments can easily lead to poor decisions as investors fall prey to negative thoughts and fears. The chart to the right helps to illustrate the emotional aspects of investing.

The human brain constantly searches for trends or patterns in things, trying to make sense out of even random events and data. This essential life skill is not very helpful when it comes to investing.

Investment (stock) markets tend to follow random walks, most, but not all of the time, and therefore often have no predictable patterns. The patterns and trends that investors think they see are only in their minds, not the data. Over the short and long term, investment prices are formed by investors reacting to new (often unpredictable) information making it impossible to accurately forecast before the fact.

Many studies have clearly demonstrated that individual investors, on average, tend to purchase shares near market highs and sell shares near market lows. This behavior is the reason why the returns that individual investors receive tend to be less than the aggregate returns reported by the funds.

Many observers attribute these results to the emotional reactions of individuals to the ups and downs of markets and corresponding prices.

Rather than riding the emotional roller coaster in the chart above, it makes more sense to develop a sound investment policy and stick with it. In times of uncertainty, a wise financial strategy can provide guidance and perspective.

Do you have questions about your financial strategy?
Call us today to discuss your personal situation and other ideas that may help you keep your Financial Strategy on track.

Contact my office to begin the process of getting comfortable with and in control of your financial situation, now that we are likely in a “New Normal,” where many of the old approaches, to investing, no longer are viable.

Also, visit my business website for additional financial information on insurance, retirement, estate planning, investments and whole host of other financial topics.

Robert Hughes,

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