
Duane Harder – Jul 2023

The Power of Positive Thinking

Back in 1952 Norman Vincent Peale wrote a book entitled, The Power of Positive Thinking. To some it was a book of wishful thinking. To others it brought transformation to mediocre lives. I must confess it has been a long time since I read the book but its central thesis gripped me mind.

You have probably heard the phrase, ‘You are what you eat.” There is truth to that statement, but I would like to suggest that more accurately, you are what you think.

Thoughts are formulated in Words!
Words are expressed in action!
Actions create habits!
Habits etch our character!
Character shapes our destiny!

A mind filled with doubt and despair clouds our perception and leaves us groping in the darkness. Our fears can sabotage our future. The fact is we move toward the focus of our mind. If you don’t believe me, take a friend and go for a drive some dark night on a two lane highway. When you see a car approaching, lock your eyes on the headlights of the on coming car. Before long you will hear your friend yelling at you, The problem! You are headed directly for the headlights of the approaching car. We move toward the focus of our mind. Let your doubts lead you to steps of possibility.

We can also have minds that are desensitised. A desensitized mind is one that is calloused. The person with a calloused mind has lost their moral compass. Pragmatism and utilitarianism direct their decisions. Profit, power, and prestige silence the question, “Is it right?”

There is also the mind that is deceived. The deceived mind is the most difficult to silence. Deception is often rooted in our perception of our need. We all need love and affection. When that is expressed, our mind says, “How can something that feels so good be wrong?” Our emotions become the umpire and the verdict is “safe.” To argue against the decision is irrational and unthinkable. The decision feels good and forms a grid for evaluating further similar situations. We move from objective truth to subjective experience. In the court, emotional impact statements lend weight to the sentencing.

We’ve looked at three negative thought patterns now let’s consider positive thoughts that reshape our future.

Here are some areas of thinking that will have a positive impact on your life. Discipline your mind to think on:

Things that are true – rooted in reality, not assumption, presumption or fantasy. Can you substantiate your statement with verifiable facts. Covid is a perfect illustration of this. There were doctors who gave empirical evidence that was called misinformation. However, those who called it misinformation could not produce the factual data to substantiate their statements.

Things noble – expressing honor, respect, and value. I can focus on your faults or look for the positive qualities of your character. For example, the flip side of stubbornness is resolute determination.

Things just – transparency that builds trust. Knowing the whole story behind the person who is distant and aloof would probably temper my judgement of them.

Things pure – without hidden motive. Do I want you to change because your behavior irritates me or am I genuinely concerned about how what you do or think influences the outcome of your life?

Anything praiseworthy — look for the gold in the rock. I have been told that two ounces of gold makes a ton of rock valuable. Our tendency is to stumble over the rock and miss the gold.


Thoughts are formulated in Words!
Words are expressed in action!
Actions create habits!
Habits etch our character!
Character shapes our destiny!

I AM NOT A VICTIM! I CAN TAKE MY THOUGHTS CAPTIVE! I CAN BEGIN THE PROCESS OF CHANGE! Replace the negative outlook with positive thoughts and I’ll see you at the top.

Duane Harder


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