Local Political News

Councillor’s Update – Rocky View County – Don Kochan – Mar 2022

Don Kochan – Mayor, Division 2 

I really appreciate the division 2 residents in selecting me to represent you as your area councillor and further to that I have been selected by my colleagues to take on the role of Mayor. So, as you can see, I do have my work cut out for me as we work through the challenges of managing the business items for the County.

Following are some items that I would like division 2 residents to be aware of as we progress through the year.

COVID-19: unfortunately we are still under the meeting procedures (Covid-19 Suppression) Regulation therefore Council meetings and public hearings are being held via video conference. You can watch a live stream for each meeting on the day of the meeting on the Meetings and Hearings page of the County website. There appears to be hope that restrictions are being lifted to the point that we can get back to our regular Council meeting format by the end of March.

Budgets: Council has passed the 2022 Operating and Capital Budgets resulting in a 4% increase in tax requirements. Assessment notices have been sent out to reflect the market value of your property and this will be used in combination with the mill rate to determine your tax requirement for the year. Audited financial reports are being prepared for the 2021 year and these will be presented by the County’s appointed accounting firm at the end of April. The actual dollars spent in 2021 will also be provided at that time.

Chief Administrative Officer (CAO): Council is interviewing some prime candidates the week of February 14 with the hope that a candidate will be selected and in place by early spring.

Customer Satisfaction Survey: Council is interested in knowing what our residents think of their services being provided therefore starting in March all residents would be requested to participate in a customer satisfaction survey to obtain the required feedback that may result in adjusting services accordingly. More information on how that is to occur will be forthcoming.

As well, administration is working on a communication strategy that will outline the best ways of communicating to residents as well as what should be communicated. The feedback provided in the customer satisfaction survey would assist them in the development of the strategy.

Springbank Area Structure Plan (ASP): Council directed Administration to update the Springbank ASP. I believe that we have the opportunity to make improvements that will ensure Springbank maintains its strong country residential community along with the required amenities. Administration is preparing to re-engage with residents and I encourage everyone who lives within the ASP area to take an active part in the process. Without your involvement it would be difficult to determine what your vision is regarding the make up of your community. In March, administration will be reaching out to the residents on how they may provide their input into the ASP’s review and update.

Municipal Planning Commission (MPC): In order to streamline development applications and provide for better customer service, Council has requested administration to revise the required policies and bylaws that will see administration as part of the development authority and the MPC established by the previous Council will be abandoned. Based on Administration’s recommendations as well as the applicant’s request, subdivision applications will still be eligible to come to Council. Administration is expected to bring back the report to Council in March at which time Council will decide on which applications may still require Council involvement.

Jumping Pound: the second phase of a large renovation to the jumping pound community hall is nearly complete. This renovation includes an overhaul of the electrical system, new light fixtures, insulation and exterior siding. Funding
for the renovation was achieved through community donations as well as grants through the Emergency Grant and Recreation Capital Grant program offered through the County. The County’s partnership with the Jumping Pound Community Hall Association continues to be mutually beneficial. This building remains a central gathering place for the community and third party renters and it is hoped that the facility will be available for use sometime in March.

Recreation update: The County is actively working on preliminary planning for a multi-use community facility in south Springbank, as recommended in the Recreation Master Plan. Council established a Task Force that Councillor Hanson and I sit on, along with a number of community representatives from Divisions 1 and 2. The County has also hired a consultant to gather information from various community groups to obtain more information on community needs. Stay tuned for further developments on this important initiative.

Beijing Olympics: A Rocky View firefighter, John Morris, represented Team Canada in the mixed doubles curling at the Beijing 2022 Olympics. John is no stranger to the Olympic scene since he has a long-accomplished legacy in curling as a player, coach, and two-time Olympic gold medalist. We are proud of John’s accomplishments and thank him for his Canadian representation.

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