Local Political News Springbank/Elbow Valley

Councillor’s Update – Rocky View County – Don Kochan – Jul 2024

Don Kochan – Division 2 

RVC Division 2 news items for your information:

Springbank Area Structure Plan (ASP) – At the January/24 Governance Committee meeting, administration was asked to prepare a report combining Springbank’s 3 ASPs into one with the associated updates. At the May 28th Council meeting administration recommended that the North Springbank and Central Springbank ASPs be maintained as separate ASPs to avoid a potential Regional Evaluation Framework review by CMRB (Calgary’s regional planning authority). Council however passed the following two motions that supports the overwhelming community input provided through the numerous community engagements that have taken place over the last couple of years.

MOVED by Deputy Reeve Kochan that directs Administration to prepare a new Springbank Area Structure Plan that combines the Central Springbank, North Springbank, and Moddle ASPs while keeping the direction of the existing land use strategies.

MOVED by Deputy Reeve Kochan that Administration present the Springbank Area Structure Plan no later than the end of Q3 2024 at a public hearing for Council’s consideration.

Administration will continue to provide regular updates on the Springbank ASP through the County’s website and through e-mail for those registered to receive project updates. Please visit www.rockyview.ca/springbank-area-structure-plan to learn more.

Petro – Can Application – Administration continues to review the information on Petro-Can’s application to relocate the station from the Hwy 22 location to just east of Edge School. Additional information is being reviewed that has been submitted by the applicant, such as considering the summary of the engagement and ’What We Heard Report’. A special public hearing for this item has been tentatively scheduled for September 25th, 2024. Notification letters of the public hearing will be sent out approximately 5-weeks in advance of the public hearing. A staff report will be available approximately one week prior to the Public Hearing. The Master Site Development Plan (MSDP) will be updated online prior to the Public Hearing. Visit www.rockyview.ca/Portals/0/Files/BuildingPlanning/Planning/UnderReview/ProposedMSDP/MSDP-Proposed-Petro-Canada-Springbank.pdf for updated information.

Road Maintenance – Just a quick update on gravel road conditions. Transportation Services has been busy completing gravel road repairs and maintenance throughout the County. The wet conditions that are occurring have created a challenge and the grader operators are busy repairing the roads including pothole and washboard maintenance when conditions are favorable. The Road Maintenance programs including Calcium Stabilized Roads and Dust Control programs will begin the start of June. RVC continues to receive concerns and requests through the www.rockyview.ca/report-a-road-issue .

The County has commenced its annual line painting and message marking program. This involves painting of center lines, shoulder/edge lines, crosswalks, stop lines, and turn arrows etc. along the County’s paved and chip surface roads. Motorists can expect minor delays during the work. The County is using Line King as their contractor for the 2024 program and schedule will be dependent on weather conditions. Inquiries can be directed to Kelcie Wilson in County Road Operations (403-478-8183).

Municipal Development Plan (MDP) – On May 21st, 2024, County staff presented the Stage 1 Engagement Summary Report and an update on Stage 2 Engagement to the Governance Committee. This officially marked the launch of Stage 2 Engagement.

Stage 2 Engagement includes a few sub-stages:

  • Stage 2A ( June 2024): To validate and finalize the Distinct Area Profiles introduced in Stage 1, to get resident input on the County’s agricultural policies, and to seek feedback on County-wide policy areas that require further consideration.
  • Drafting of the MDP (Summer 2024): The project team will produce draft sections of the MDP.
  • Stage 2B (Fall 2024): The project team will release draft sections of the MDP and organize additional engagement events (both in-person and online) to receive comments and feedback. This stage will be an iterative engagement process with multiple opportunities to receive public input.

There will be several in-person and online opportunities for residents and interested parties to provide their input on the draft MDP during Stage 2.

Future opportunities for public engagement will be advertised and posted to the project website (maps.mcelhanney.com/mapsportal/apps/sites/#/rockyview-county-mdp), which will remain active throughout the project.

An engagement summary report for Stage 2 will be released in Q4 2024, which will mark the conclusion of the MDP’s engagement strategy.

Don Kochan – Deputy Reeve
Division 2 Councillor

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