Updates from Division One

Greetings and welcome to another issue of High Country News and my report from the county. At this time, I would suggest you keep tabs on the RVC website for all the latest news as we are moving in similar directions to many other jurisdictions based on Provincial and Federal Health Officials’ recommendations.
At this time of global concern for everyone’s health and welfare, I thought I’d post a response to a letter I received from a resident. Like many others communications I’m receiving at this time,
I find it reflects what we’re all thinking at this time:
Good morning Brad,
Thanks for reaching out and asking what you can do for our community in this time of need. A question we all find hard to answer. It’s really hard to tell who is getting hit hardest at this time. Everyone, young or old, rich or poor, in good health or bad are taking a hit. No one is spared.
At this stage it’s still early. Restaurants and small businesses will definitely take a beating. And especially those who work for these businesses. It has a trickle down affect.
I find it hard to get out and help as Tanya and her dad fall into the ‘high risk’ category. Our doctor said I would most likely be the cause should they get ill. And like a squirrel, I’m not one who can sit still for longer than a minute.
My advice at this time is to hunker down. Listen to the health officials and heed their direction. Focus on your health and that of your family and loved ones. Jobs and money fall below the welfare of our loved ones. If necessary, help those who can’t help themselves but take precaution
We are certainly living through an unprecedented event. We will get through this but each of us has to do our part. And at this time it’s all about ‘flattening the curve.’ And we must do whatever it takes. It’s not only for our community but all communities on this rock.
Take care. Hug your family from a distance and wash your hands often amongst the many other cleansing rituals.
Hugs from a distance, Mark
I want to personally thank our front-line works and those who are able to get out and help others who cannot get out themselves during this time. I’ve been keeping tabs on local/national news and via the many FaceBook conversations. If there’s anything I can help with, please do not hesitate to call or email. I’m continually getting updates from our CAO and his staff and I’m also in constant contact with my fellow councillors. In the meantime, stay positive. This will pass in due time and we will all get back to normal. Maybe a new normal.
— Cheers, Mark