Local Political News

Councillor’s Update – Rocky View County – Kevin Hanson – Feb 2024

Kevin Hanson – Division 1

Quick Bits
The official opening of Abrio Place in Airdrie is January 31st, from 2-4pm. The public hearing matter for adding swimming pools as a permitted use to Direct Control District-13 (Elbow Valley) was refused by Council. It was a good education session for my colleagues to understand the complexity of Elbow Valley condo and management structures. Council approved Economic Development Initiatives grant policy C-350 which provides guidelines for funding our two active Chamber of Commerce – Bragg Creek and Langdon, with other Business Associations included on a Council-approved basis.

Bragg Creek Firesmart Committee
Four members at large have been appointed to the Bragg Creek Firesmart Committee: Liz Breakey, Mark Kamachi, John Morris, and Rod Saville. A fifth member at large remains to be filled, and the committee is tasked to recruit and recommend someone to Council for approval. Emergency Services staff is quite keen on Firesmart this year, and changes may be in the works broadening scope to include other forested areas, or perhaps even all of Rocky View, as the incidence of serious grass fires has increased significantly.

Bragg Creek Area Structure Plan (ASP)
The Terms of Reference for the ASP has been delayed for about 6 weeks, for a very good reason. In late December, an opportunity arose to apply for a grant through the Province’s Northern and Regional Economic Development (NRED) Program, which has implications for the budget and workplan of the Bragg Creek ASP project. This grant requires matching by RVC, but will allow the ASP to incorporate tourism, environmental assets & sustainability, and economic development as key areas of study and consideration. This is a first for any Rocky View ASP.

West Bragg Creek Secondary Access Feasibility Stumbles
A preliminary report was made to the Governance Committee September 12th, where I made a successful motion that Administration be directed to prepare a report for Council’s consideration to complete the feasibility assessment for Option 7B, a Bracken Road bridge option, and a Spruce Avenue bridge option.
There was good support for this from my colleagues.

This came back to Council on December 5th, where that support evaporated. My motion that Council approve a budget adjustment of $95,000 from the Tax Stabilization Reserve fund to complete the feasibility assessment was defeated. I only had support from Clrs. Wright, and Samra. The Reeve indicated that she had personally received a large number of e-mails from residents that were not in favour, which swayed her, and the other general comments in opposition from my colleagues was that it was too much money, and not needed.

There was then a motion arising by Deputy Reeve Kochan that Administration work with the Reeve and/or Deputy Reeve to discuss the Bragg Creek emergency access route options with the Tsuut’ina Nation. It appears we are now right back at the same table we were at in 2016.

Calgary Ring Road and Hwy 8
At the official opening ceremony for the Calgary Ring Road, Byron Riemann (RVC Executive Director of Operations) and I were able to briefly chat with Kurt Gibb, the Province’s director for the CWRR project. Kurt indicated that in Spring of 2024 he would be putting the completion of the Hwy 8 project out to tender. He also said that ongoing discussions with our Operations group would continue, ensuring the Province and RVC are coordinating well for this piece of cleanup work. I mentioned that residents along Highway 8 are a little grumpy, and that frequent updates from the project could help matters.

The feedback from the community on their ability to quickly and easily access all parts of Springbank from south of the Elbow River has been overwhelmingly positive, and Hwy 8 residents no longer feel cut off from the rest of Springbank, or the Schools. Whew!

Contact: KRHanson@RockyView.ca or call 403.463.1166.

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