Local Political News Priddis/Millarville/Red Deer Lake

Councillor Update – Barb Castell – MD Foothills – Mar 2025

Barb Castell – Division 3

Our hearts go out to the family on Highway 762 who lost their home in a fire a few weeks ago. Thankfully everyone made it out safely. A huge thank you to the volunteer firefighters and firefighters from 3 different locations who made sure the fire did not spread to neighbouring properties.

Foothills Agricultural Services – Equipment Rentals

Did you know that Foothills County rents equipment?

Here is some of the equipment available for rent:

  • Agrident RF ID Tag Reader
  • Bag Roller (Grain & Silage)
  • Cattle Scale
  • Hay Probe
  • Skunk Traps
  • Solar Pump Livestock Watering System • Trailer Sprayers
  • Tree Planter

For more information: www.foothillscountyab.ca/services/agriculture/agriculture-resources

Millarville Stockland 4-H – Public Speaking

I was honoured again to judge the Millarville Stockland 4-H Public speaking on a frosty Sunday, February 2 at the Millarville Racing and Agricultural Society Hall. The Cleavers, Juniors, Intermediate, and Seniors were all unbelievably entertaining.

In a complete twist of the norm, the Cleavers, who are usually better at the Prepared speeches and are very young, blew us away with the Impromptu speeches. They were given a topic and off the top of their heads, delivered the most incredible, hilarious speeches of the day.
Thank you for the invite.

For more information about the Millarville Stockland 4-H: www.millarvillestockland4h.com

Kids Only Shoppe

KOS is in need of the following items:

  • Small ornaments or figurines for snow globes
  • Large pieces of polar fleece
  • Fabric for men’s aprons – denim, heavy cotton, men themed patterns for cut out and appliqué
  • Christmas bags – all sizes for putting the wrapped gifts in

Please drop items off at the Millarville Racetrack office during office hours.

For more information: millarvilleracetrack.com/christmas-market

Square Butte Community Association

Something is always happening at the Square Butte Hall.

Check out the Square Butte Community Association Facebook page for fun events to sign up for: www.facebook.com/SquareButteHall

Or check out their website: squarebuttehall.com

Leighton Art Centre

Here are just a few upcoming events:

  1. Backyard Wilderness: Burrows & Bungalows by Leila Armstrong February 1 to April
    The works in this exhibition find their origins in Leila’s interest in the nature/ cultural divide.
  2. 2025 Summer Camp, Week 1: Wild at Heart! July 2 @ 9:30 am to July 4 @ 3:30 pm Get ready for an adventure into Alberta’s wild side!
  3. Living Curtain by Svea Furguson February 1 to December 21
    A site-specific installation in the botanical garden.
  4. 23rd Juried Member Exhibition February 1 to April 6
    An annual curated exhibition of LAC member art.

For more information visit their website: leightoncentre.org

You can also shop online: shop.leightoncentre.org

Know Your Neighbours – Evening Grosbeaks
You may have seen Evening Grosbeaks in area or even at your bird feeders. They are members of the finch family.

The yellow-bodied, dusky-headed male has an imposing air thanks to his massive bill and fierce eyebrow stripe. The female is more subtly marked, with golden highlights on her soft gray plumage. This declining species is becoming uncommon particularly in the eastern United States.

All About Birds www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/Evening_Grosbeak

Unfortunately, the Evening Grosbeak “has declined 92% since 1970 and is listed as a species of conservation concern.” The Finch Research Network (FiRN) is working to change that. For more information on this project: finchnetwork.org/projects/the-evening-grosbeak-project

The first day of Spring is on Thursday, March 20 this year. I can hardly wait to get my plants into the greenhouse!

Barb Castell

Phone: 403-931-3690
E-Mail: barb.castell@foothillscountyab.ca

Website: www.barbcastell.com
FaceBook: facebook.com/barbcastell.ca

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