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  • $5-10. each.  403-931-2201

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  • 38"x18"x14", Solid, Heavy, Not Sprayed, 35-40 lbs. bales. Priddis area. Pickup or Delivery 403-999-2404

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  • Firewood bags for pickup or delivery. Already split and dried, the bags consist of primarily spruce/pine and some aspen/birch. $10 per bag I deliver anywhere in Calgary and surrounding areas. 4038087348 for pickup address or to request a delivery.

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  • Well made Hereford roping saddle 14.2"-15" padded seat, rounded skirts, California twist stirrup leathers; a good saddle for a youth or small adult on a short backed horse.  English 17" all purpose saddle, in great shape. Brown cut back English…

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  • Used downhill K2 skis, 160cm, rigid, great for icy and hard packed conditions, need new bindings.  Used XC Asnes Tur-langrem wooden hickory sole 180 skis with 3 point bindings. Waxless Classic Karhu 150 XC skis and waxless Fisher 180 XC…

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