Ladies Time Out in Springbank is a not for profit group that provides a meeting place for women in Calgary and surrounding areas to come together for coffee...
Category - Springbank/Elbow Valley
Springbank Off-Stream Reservor (SR1): Although you may not be hearing about SR1 in the news, we are working on a written response to the regulators (NRCB in Alberta and...
Halloween pumpkins give way to Remembrance Day, which will then give way to Christmas. It is amazing to me how fast time goes when marked by the important events or...
A Path Forward October 21st’s federal election has undoubtedly cast a shadow over many in our province. The Conservative Party of Canada led by Andrew Scheer gained the...
The Springbank Creative Arts Club MISSION is “to encourage the development of arts and crafts within the Springbank community and schools.” We are enthusiastic and...
Ladies Time Out in Springbank provides an opportunity for women of all ages in the Calgary area to meet new people and to participate in a variety of registered...
Springbank Off-Stream Reservor (SR1): We delivered over 800 letters asking the government to reconsider MC1 to MLA Miranda Rosin to present in the legislature. The...
Fall is officially here (at least the trees say so – and we’ve had the obligatory September snow!). Council is back in session and had our organizational meeting in...
It seems as though it were just yesterday that Alberta was alive with provincial election frenzy, yet here we find ourselves in October already – gearing up for...
The Springbank Creative Arts Club MISSION is “to encourage the development of arts and crafts within the Springbank community and schools.” In accordance of...