Managing Your Money When Interest Rates Rise: Summarized from: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada When a rise in interest rates may affect you A rise in interest rates...
Category - Real Estate
What is best for you? Rent vs Buy … or? Should you rent or should you buy a home? It’s a good question, but with no clear answer. Upside to Buying Offers long-term...
Highlights of the NEW Tax-Free First Home Savings Account (TFHS) As of April 1, 2023, the government’s new program for first-time buyers, the Tax Free First Home Savings...
SHOULD YOU BUY OR SELL FIRST? Like the saying “What comes first: the chicken or the egg?”. There is no generally correct answer to the classic real estate problem...
Semi-Annual State of the Housing Market Report Canadians anxious about home-buying, unpredictable market and affordability: mortgage survey. Mortgage Professionals...
Real Estate Outlook 2023 Based on the Calgary Real Estate Board and Royal LePage forecast reports for 2023 it looks as though with the pandemic largely behind us, we are...
10 Mortgage Trivia Facts These trivia facts of mortgage knowledge are not only interesting, but they may save you money, too! #1 It’s your Death Pledge. The word...
Canada’s Foreign Buyer Ban An excellent summary of this new prohibition from my professional association, Mortgage Professionals Canada (MPC). I have been asked...
To lock in or not? On December 7, the Bank of Canada made another 50-basis-point increase to its benchmark rate in its final policy rate announcement of the year...
Checklist and Important Information for Listing an Acreage 2022 has been a highly active year in the Country Residential market as it has been for city properties...