Declined by your bank? A rejection doesn’t necessarily mean the end of your mortgage dreams, it usually means you weren’t working with the right lender. But...
Category - Real Estate
Is it time to consider a Second Mortgage? If you currently have a low rate mortgage, hang onto it for as long as you can! No one is in a hurry to refinance into higher...
THE REAL ESTATE EVALUATION PROCESS – CONFUSION OVER METHODS At times I am confronted with potential clients misunderstanding the evaluation process that Realtors employ...
Separation, Divorce and Your Mortgage Separation and divorce can impact a family on many levels including financially. It’s a stressful process for all concerned. There...
2023 Mortgage Renewals “Let’s face it, we are well into a housing affordability crisis. Canadians’ biggest expense every month is keeping a roof over their head. Today...
Managing Your Money When Interest Rates Rise: Summarized from: Financial Consumer Agency of Canada When a rise in interest rates may affect you A rise in interest rates...
What is best for you? Rent vs Buy … or? Should you rent or should you buy a home? It’s a good question, but with no clear answer. Upside to Buying Offers long-term...
Highlights of the NEW Tax-Free First Home Savings Account (TFHS) As of April 1, 2023, the government’s new program for first-time buyers, the Tax Free First Home Savings...
SHOULD YOU BUY OR SELL FIRST? Like the saying “What comes first: the chicken or the egg?”. There is no generally correct answer to the classic real estate problem...
Semi-Annual State of the Housing Market Report Canadians anxious about home-buying, unpredictable market and affordability: mortgage survey. Mortgage Professionals...