CMHC 2025 Housing Market Outlook Explore the future of Canada’s housing market based on the latest trends and indicators on new homes, resales and rentals. Highlights...
Category - Real Estate
Bridging the Gap Financing Bridge financing may be an option for that classic real estate conundrum: my new purchase closes before my home is sold and I don’t have the...
REAL ESTATE – FOOTHILLS AREA – LOOKING BACK ON 2024 & LOOKING AHEAD TO 2025by Wayne Chaulk BComm., Realtor Looking back over 20242024 was a vibrant year...
RADON GAS & REAL ESTATEby Wayne Chaulk BComm., Realtor If you are listing your home in the future, purchasing a new home or remaining in your current home, you...
FIXED MORTGAGE RATES NOT YET FALLING AND HERE’S WHY The Bank of Canada delivered a second consecutive 50 bps drop to its policy rate on December 11th. After five...
The 10-year fixed mortgage: Is stability worth it? While the vast majority of homeowners opt for the a 5-year (or less) fixed term, there are some Canadians that prefer...
Recent Mortgage Rule Changes It’s been busy for mortgage rule changes, with both the Department of Finance and OSFI introducing significant updates. On the heels of the...
2019 The Way We Were vs Now One of my fav lenders (RMG) did an economic update during the recent Bank of Canada announcement comparing 2019 to now, I found it quite...
FINTRAC The Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada (FINTRAC), is Canada’s financial intelligence unit. Many folks are aware of this acronym...
HOW TO AVOID HOME BUYER’S REMORSEby Wayne Chaulk BComm., Realtor You have probably heard the term “buyer’s remorse” and it can apply to any...