Summer Crime Prevention The Alberta Provincial Crime Watch Association, of which HCRCWA is a member, and the RCMP have issued some common sense, but effective, tips for...
Category - Priddis/Millarville/Red Deer Lake
Infrastructure Projects announced for Foothills in the 2021 Provincial Capital Plan: We are very grateful for these projects slated within Foothills County. On Hwy 22...
Happy Father’s Day! With the current AHS restrictions, the Priddis Community Hall is closed until further notice. Please respect the current COVID-19 restrictions...
The SBSH Online Spring Auction was a huge success. We raised $10,686, well above our initial goal. SBCA want to thank all our donors and the enthusiastic bidders who...
Here we are at the last month of the school year and sadly nothing much has changed. As of writing we are still in lockdown, with curbside pick-up only on Tuesdays 9-12...
The Liberals tabled their first budget in two years, and it was certainly not worth the wait. Canada is overdrawn, yet Trudeau presented a deficit of more than $350...
Mountie Moments On April 14th, Staff Sgt. Laura Akitt of the Turner Valley detachment commenced a new personal initiative in an effort to increase community engagement...
Announcement for Division 4 and Highway 22 Travellers: MLA Miranda Rosin shared the good news in April that the Priddis Bridge is included in the 2021 Provincial Capital...
Happy Mother’s Day! With the current AHS restrictions, the Priddis Community Hall is closed until further notice. Please respect the current COVID-19 restrictions...
It has been a busy time for the SBCA board as they work towards procuring the CFEP grant, County of Foothills support grant, Agri-grant, Millarville Horticultural Club...