I hope this newsletter finds you all well. It has been a remarkable time for most of us since the beginning of March. Working from home, learning how shop online (I...
Category - Local Political News
MRB Public Consultation: This is your invitation to check up on us, learn about the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (also know as CMRB) and to chime in on some of the...
Equalization Ain’t Equal On June 17th our Government released the long-awaited Fair Deal report. Moments after the report went public, the Premier announced his...
Updates from Division One Happy July. I hope you and your family are well and keeping your social distancing measures in check? As much as it seems things are getting...
After 3 months of shut down, I am relieved we are moving towards opening up. For many of us, our work continued, albeit from a different location, but for others this...
Foothills County Enforcement & Fire Complaint Chart: Thx to Sgt. Roblin and our Protective Services team, who recently updated this concise graphic for our...
Treading in Dangerous Waters The last two months have undoubtedly been difficult as we grappled with the unforeseen pandemic of COVID 19. Near unbelievable unemployment...
Updates from Division One How are you doing? As of this writing, we’re entering the 11th week of social and physical distancing. I don’t know about you but it is a...
The world continues to be a different place. Social distancing continues, working from home, masks, gloves, long lineups at grocery stores and non-essential businesses...
Fire Advisory: Foothills County has instated a Fire Advisory at the time of writing this article, which is downgraded from the previous Fire Restriction. The County has...