My husband and I were at the Diamond Valley parade on June 4 on our way home from High River to Chilliwack BC. As we were standing on the side of the street waiting for...
Category - Letters To The Editor
Wild Fire and Logging in West Bragg Creek As more than 450 wildfires rage across the province, the air is thick with smoke, and thousands of Albertans have been...
Feeding Birds in Winter The recent article from Bragg Creek Wild discussed feeding birds in winter. Essentially, it discouraged feeding birds, but also provided some...
Wading into water concerns in the Bow Basin If you’ve ever seen someone in hip waders shuffling their boots and swirling a net through shallow river waters, chances are...
Hi Kevin/Miranda. I am writing you both regarding my concern for the ever-creeping SBW infestation into our community. Just 2 days ago I was outside the Bragg Creek...
Hi Lowell, Having read your April issue I would first like to thank you for providing an outlet for local politicians to communicate with voters. I do not know if our m...
Dear High Country News, I teach education at Ambrose University and have also been a working journalist for nearly four decades. I commend you on your coverage of the...
It was with interest that I read Miranda Rosin’s March article in praise of the “freedom protesters ” (“our friends”). Strange but I do not count any friends within that...
When your dentist tells you there is a cavity in your mouth, a feeling of dread, maybe guilt may surface in your mind. However, in the forest the news that a new cavity...
Concerns on the RVC Spruce Budworm Report Shorter Version 2 to HCN In the December 2020 edition of HCN, Councillor Hanson writes that a November 30, 2021 motion was...