SELLING YOUR BUSINESS (Sale of Your Shares Versus the Corporation Selling its Assets) At times we are asked by our clients if we can assist them in the sale of the...
Category - Finance/Business
Residential Mortgage Industry Report CMHC published their Spring 2024 report, providing highlights of the most recent trends in the Canadian residential mortgage...
Financial Success Simplified: Introduction The purpose of this series is to educate consumers on some simple principles that will take the mystery out of the often...
Where the wind blows. I want to thank everyone who came out to see Swamp Donkey Musical Theatre’s production of Roger’s and Hammerstein’s Oklahoma! which played to seven...
We would like to thank all of you for helping us reach our 4th year anniversary. We at KAT are pleased to introduce some exciting new programs, services, and equipment...
SEPTIC TANK REPLACEMENTS: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE YOU DIG Navigating the world of septic tank replacements can feel like treading through murky waters...
Many people think that they can go to one of the registry shops to have a business name checked out and then when they find out the name appears to be available they...
Spring time!! Home Renovation Financing Options Spring time, for many of us, means the start of that home renovation project you’ve been planning. You have many options...
A Fresh Look at RRSPs vs TFSAs The Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) contribution limit has increased to $7,000 (from $6,500) for 2024. This new limit means that a...
Have you ever considered using a mascot to help promote your business? Companies such as Energizer, McDonalds, M&Ms, KFC, Disney and Kellogg’s are just some that...