For those who have tuned into CBC TV over the past few summers, you may have come across Still Standing. This show is a mix of a comedy series and a reality series and...
Category - Diamond Valley/Longview
Greetings from Dave Schroeder, a Board Member of the HCRCWA. I am now starting to split duties with JR Allen with regard to the writing of this column as JR is gradually...
Priddis Post Office: The Priddis Post Office closed as of September 13, 2019. If you are interested to set up a Canada Post Office in the Priddis area, please let me...
I appreciate the opportunity to profile our custom picture framing business that was founded in 1978. My name is Bob Wahlund and my wife’s name is Anne, and we are the...
Hello, Diamond Valley. Well it wasn’t too bad a September. We had some heavy rains along with some really nice days. Many of us mowed our lawns one last time, and...
The Writers Group has started up again on the first Wednesday of each month. Crib will be starting soon on Thursday’s at 2 p.m. Doris and Harry Lesick are on a bicycle...
Out Loud Begins! When this issue of the High Country News hits the stands, we will be only days away from the start of our eighth Out Loud Series 2019: Stronger...
It’s been a quiet month in the High Country, our home for all seasons, out here on the edge of the prairie somewhere west of Calgary. Last month, our executive board met...
Rothney Astrophysical Observatory Events: Look for 2 events in September: “Beakerhead” (September 20, 7:30-10:30pm) and the “Howdy Neighbour BBQ” (September 26, 5-8pm...
Hello, Diamond Valley. The first day of fall is September 21, the Autumn Equinox. The kids are back in school after a summer off, and my furnace kicked on around the...