We are mid-way through March at the time of writing with warmer temperatures and no COVID restrictions. Patrons are not required to wear masks, physical distance or...
Category - Diamond Valley/Longview
HELLO DIAMOND VALLEY Hello, Diamond Valley. It’s that time of year when April showers bring May flowers… or in Southern Alberta, when April snow covers the tulips...
WALTER TURNBULL AWARD The A Walter Turnbull Memorial Plaque was established in recognition of the exceptional volunteer community service provided by Mr. Walter Turnbull...
Tell Your Parents This column is actually about Grandparents. It’s a heads up that you, as parents, might want to have a discussion with your parents about the...
Annual General Meeting In the evening of Thursday January 27, 2022, the De Winton Community Association (DCA) held its Annual General Meeting. Fourteen people were in...
Suzanne Oel – Division 4 Highway 762 Concerns: A variety of topics are crossing my desk these days. While some residents are planning to build out their dreams on...
On the verge of Spring. March is here and if all goes the way we want it to, this month should come in like a lion and out like lamb. However, if March comes in like a...
HELLO DIAMOND VALLEY Hello, Diamond Valley, and welcome to March, the month that is supposed to come in like a lion and leave like a lamb. Not sure what climate this...
BLACK DIAMOND AND TURNER VALLEY COUNCILS AMALGAMATION VOTE PASSED Today, Black Diamond and Turner Valley Councils re-confirmed their support for the application to...
Forty years ago, on February 6th, 1976 the official opening of the Longview Community Library was held in the Longview Elementary School. Roy Russell was mayor, Don...