The summer programming is in full swing and the children are having a grand time. The Tiny Art Show has 23 participants, some visiting from the Okotoks library. The...
Category - Diamond Valley/Longview
Out Loud 2023 approaches! We have a fantastic line up for this year’s Out Loud Series: Old Tales and New Trails. Skip Gorman Saturday, October 14, 7:00 pm For over half...
Suzanne Oel – Division 4 Greetings! Sharing my News Update… WILDFIRES close to home! In our heavily-treed west end of Foothills County, a fire could start at...
My husband and I were at the Diamond Valley parade on June 4 on our way home from High River to Chilliwack BC. As we were standing on the side of the street waiting for...
Rural DEW Line Some folks may remember the DEW (Distant Early Warning) line. It was built during the cold war and consisted of a number of radar outposts constructed in...
Canada Day Breakfast We had wonderful attendance this year for our 41st annual Canada Day Breakfast, with well over 400 joining us. On Friday night our set-up crew went...
What a gorgeous summer it’s been so far, mixed in with some good thunderstorms and smoke in the air. It’s also Music Festival Time and I am excited to attend a few of...
We are thrilled to present our fall program line-up in this issue of the High Country News. Once again, we have several classes for pre-school children. This fall, we...
The summer reading program with the adopted stuffed animals is in full swing. The children are reading to their cuddly friends each day and reporting to our librarian...
Suzanne Oel – Division 4 Greetings! Sharing my News Update… Highways 762, 549 & 22 Community Meeting: On July 6, 2023, West Foothills County residents...