Bragg Creek/Redwood Meadows

Bragg Creek Wild – May 2023

Wild & Wise – Tips for Safe and Respectful Wilderness Exploration

Finally, spring is here. We are leaving the confines of our warm houses to venture out into the wilderness and enjoy the great outdoors. While we are all eager to get outside, it is essential to remember to do so safely. When heading out into the wilderness, be mindful of the wildlife and take steps to prevent encounters that can be dangerous to both humans and animals. Following these straightforward tips will ensure you’ll have a safe, pleasant and respectful outdoor experience.

Prepare Before You Head Out
Do a weather check.
Look at the region’s forecast before heading out and pack for the unpredictable. Rain gear, warm layers, extra food and water, are essentials in case of an unexpected overnight stay.

Know Your Limits. If possible, have a route plan for your outing with a time frame that matches your experience and fitness level. Turn around and head back if you start feeling tired or unwell.

Pack It Out and Pack It Back. Whatever you bring out with you must come back with you and leave no trace of your visit. Bring along something to contain your garbage, including dog poop and don’t leave your bagged dog poop on the side of the trail!

Know what to do if you encounter bears or other predators. Visit our website Also, carry bear spray at all times and learn how to use it.

Keep your pet under control at all times. Pets can be either prey or predator. Protect your animal and do not let it chase other wildlife. Keep on a leash or have a leash ready to use at all times.

Driving To and From the Wilderness Vehicle/wildlife collisions are common occurrences and are often injurious or fatal to both driver and animal. Vehicle damage is also a possibility.

1. Be aware of specific wildlife crossing areas – Nearby water sources, areas with dense vegetation and zones with posted wildlife crossing signs.

2. Slow down – Reduce your speed where wildlife is known to be present.

3. Headlights – Be Focused and Alert: Wildlife is most active during dawn and dusk. Drive with your eyes scanning the ditches and look for glowing eyes shining in the darkness. Know that headlights can confuse and blind nearby animals. Avoid driving during these times whenever possible.

4. Be prepared to stop – If you see an animal on the road ahead, slow down and be prepared to stop. Be patient and wait for the animal to cross the road before continuing, and know that there may be more animals following. Scan the ditches and edges of the woods before resuming your drive. Beeping your horn or flashing your lights does NOT help and could cause confusion for the animal and increase the chances of a collision.

Now that you know how to prepare yourself for a safe and exciting wilderness adventure, go out there and have some fun!

Happy trails!

Bragg Creek Wild

People and wildlife living in community

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