Bragg Creek/Redwood Meadows Lifestyle

Bragg Creek Community Church – Mar 2020

Leave the Shovel, Take the Fishing Rod

Let’s have some fun focusing on your weaknesses…says no one. It’s actually not great advice. I learned long ago that spending a lot of time trying to improve my weaknesses actually holds me back. It was made evident to me when I was trying to do my own bookkeeping and taxes for a little bit of art that I do. I sat contorting my face, sweating and having heart palpitations as I started to fill in the spreadsheet. About an hour and two entries later, I had a revelation: I was going to spend a lot of time on this, put myself through cardiac arrest, and probably mess it up. However, if I spent all that time on a painting instead, I could probably afford someone who is gifted at numbers and spreadsheets etc. It would probably take them 1% of the time and they would do it correctly. Everyone is gifted at different things and in most situations you can be more efficient being released in your giftedness while finding others to help you in your weaknesses. Not to say you shouldn’t spend some time on challenging things, it is really good for keeping the old grey matter healthy.

After all that, how about we do focus on our weaknesses for a bit? So, as some might know we entered into the season of Lent the tail end of Feb. Traditionally it has been used as a season of contemplation and repentance in preparation for Easter – the high mark of Christianity. At best it has been used as a restart, a way to cut away things that are holding you back. At worst, it has been used by some as a way to make you feel shame and/or discomfort because of your sin and weaknesses. I think that misses the point. I would, however, encourage you to consider taking some time to look at your life and ask is there something that needs to be cut away? I look at it like this, sometimes we have habits, attitudes, reactions or even anger, bitterness, hatred that just don’t need to be in our life. Yes, these are things that the Bible talks about being displeasing to God, but also they keep you from having the life God wants for you. You can try to go fishing with a shovel, but it’s actually not the right equipment for the job. A call to “repentance” (I know I’m saying words that make us uncomfortable) actually means putting the shovel down and picking up a fishing rod. Not just so we don’t lug around a heavy shovel, but so you can actually be effective doing what you’ve been called to do. Easter says you aren’t “on the outs” forever doomed to pick up a shovel, all is taken care of, you can be made right, which is great freedom! Lent however, is asking yourself if there is anything you have picked up that isn’t helping you be the person you are called to be. This is when focusing on those weaknesses can be helpful, too often we try to hide them or turn our head rather than go through the hard work of the “R” word. The best part is we don’t have to do this alone, asking God to reveal things in your life is a beautiful practice during this season. And of course trusting God to set us free from any of the shame we might feel in it is also good news.

Till next time Happy Lent and Easter,

Please join us for our Easter celebration April 12, 10am

by Pastor Dave Zimmerman

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