Community Garden Enhancement Projects Funded
The Bragg Creek and Redwood Meadows Wellness Network members Eric Howey, Alberta Health Services Mental Health Clinician, and residents Jess Smid and Christine Pollard obtained funding to enhance community gardens in both communities. The gardens were created as welcoming, healthy, and safe spaces for all residents to connect and build community relationships.
Network members acknowledge community connections have been negatively affected by the social restrictions necessary to protect each other from COVID-19. Community gardens benefit our health in many ways through physical activity, stress reduction, relationships, and community cohesion. We are grateful to Jess and Christine for their leadership in creating these wonderful spaces in our communities.
The $4000 will be used to purchase more gardening beds and barrels, fencing, secure composting facilities and develop children’s play areas.
Anyone with questions or comments about the Redwood Meadows community garden can email

(photo credit: Ed Perkins)