The Bragg Creek Historical Society was honoured to host a ceremony on August 20th to dedicate a Bur Oak tree to the namesakes of our community, Albert Warren & John Thomas Bragg. Their descendants were in attendance and shared the historic story of the Bragg boys by reading from the book “Bragg Creek Stories of Our Past”. A ceremonial tree planting was conducted by BCHS President, Judie Norman, RVC Div. 1 Councillor, Kevin Hanson and Bragg family member Carolyn Kemps. Michele McDonald acted as master of ceremonies. A Bur Oak tree was chosen as a fitting symbol for the dedication as it represents the roots of the Bragg family as well as the longevity of history and the future yet to come. It was installed a few days prior to the ceremony by Foothills Nursery. You can see this beautiful specimen located in the green space on White Avenue about 1km west of the traffic lights.