Happy Spring! Our classes are looking forward to a fantastic month. April will be a month where we will celebrate the Earth, learning about its weather and how...
Author - The Little Schoolhouse
Ms. Shelley and The Little Schoolhouse team
This month The Little Schoolhouse will be exploring the colours of the rainbow. Through song, rhyme, art, and STEM we will investigate creating and identifying...
Happy February! All our classes are celebrating love, friendship, and family this month. It has been fun to explore how our differences make us unique and...
Happy New Year! We hope you all had a restful and healthy holiday. We are so excited to begin 2024. This month we are celebrating winter and all the fun it can...
Merry Christmas from everyone at The Little Schoolhouse! Our classes are brimming with Christmas excitement and cheer. December is full of celebrating the...
October flew by in a hurry with so much excitement as we celebrated Thanksgiving and Halloween with all our classes. November will include investigating...
We have had a great start to our year at The Little Schoolhouse! All our students are starting to feel more comfortable with the routines of the classroom and...
What a great year we have had at The Little Schoolhouse! All classes have grown so much and are ready for summer sunshine and adventures. We have a busy and...
We are enjoying the spring and hope you are too! We are having a great time learning all about plants and how they grow. Each class has its own growing project...
The Little Schoolhouse is bursting with Spring excitement! We have been busy learning all about Spring farm animals in preparation for our field trip to...