No further Postal Address changes this year: As you may know, some areas of Foothills County have had changes to their postal addresses over the last few years...
Author - Suzanne Oel
Foothills County Councillor Suzanne Oel - Division 4
2020 Foothills County Budget: It’s GOOD NEWS: a hold-the-line “0” increase budget along with no reductions in service levels! On November 27, 2019, Council...
Congratulations: to the Priddis Community Association board, members and Priddis Panthers Hockey families as you have worked with dedication to bring about the...
What’s with September and early October snow? These two early events this year caused us some challenges with heavy snow clearing. We had equipment ready and...
Priddis Post Office: The Priddis Post Office closed as of September 13, 2019. If you are interested to set up a Canada Post Office in the Priddis area, please...
Rothney Astrophysical Observatory Events: Look for 2 events in September: “Beakerhead” (September 20, 7:30-10:30pm) and the “Howdy Neighbour BBQ” (September...
Highway 762 Speeding: Residents who live along Highway 762 experience a lot of speeding motorists and cyclist safety challenges, as many people visit the area...
Electronic Speed Signs a Reminder: Foothills Protective Services arranges for our electronic-message speed sign to rotate through our communities. One of our...