ADHD AND EXERCISE DOES EXERCISE HELP ADHD?You bet. Exercise and ADHD connect in many ways. It is one of the most recommended non-pharmacological treatments...
ADHD AND HORMONES DHD AND ESTROGEN – IS IT A THING?Let us talk about hormones – everybody’s favourite topic. Well, what about hormones? We know that the...
ADHD AND NATURAL REMEDIES DO THEY WORK? I get asked a lot on how to augment ADHD treatment. There’s no way to predict in advance if a person will be helped by...
ADHD AND VAPING WHAT IS VAPING?It is the act of inhaling and exhaling vapors heated from nicotine, flavored “e-juice”, marijuana or hash oil that are suspended...
ADHD AND ADDICTIONS WHO IS AT RISK? Intoxicants are risky business if you have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). It is not uncommon for those...
ADHD AND TRAUMA WHAT IS THE CONNECTION? ADHD and trauma have overlapping symptoms. Both are affected by the pre- frontal cortex (executive functioning and...
ADHD AND BIPOLAR DISORDER WHAT IS BIPOLAR? Bipolar Mood Disorder (BMD) is a mood disorder where a person experiences intense feelings of happiness or sadness...
ADHD AND YOUR CAREER PATH What Can I Work In As A Career With Adhd? Students sometimes say: “Why do I have to do all this homework if I can get A’s on all my...
HAVING THE TALK Adhd Diagnosis – Now What? When a child receives an ADHD diagnosis they often take home a prescription for medication and maybe a hand-out...
GIFTED ASSESSMENTS What does giftedness mean? Ever thought your child might be gifted and wondered what a formal assessment would reveal? For students in...