In the spirit of Canada day, I thought we would celebrate the quintessential Canadian neighbour. This dark brown mammal can swim faster than two men paddling a...
Author - Laura Griffin
With the arrival of June and the summer all sorts of mammals seem to reveal themselves out in the woods and fields, including humans. However, the most...
Spring is the time to watch as our feathered friends slowly reappear from their fantastic migratory flights, some coming from thousands of kilometres away to...
Hello Darkness, my old friend, I’ve come to walk with you again. I cannot count the times that I have strolled out into the dark of night to clear my thoughts...
Depending on the weather this March this article may be slightly before its time, but I could not say no to a friend who really wanted to know about their...
February is the month of love so I will share one of my loves, searching for galls. If you have not heard of a gall, then you have not yet come to appreciate...
Have you ever heard tales of the Mountain Screamer or the Red Tiger? My guess is you have and didn’t even know it. These are all names given to the Cougar, a...
Tis the season to appreciate the lovey green giants that speckle the winter landscape giving it some much needed colour, the mighty spruce tree. Now many of...
After an unusually warm October, I am sometimes left baffled by the thought that winter is on its way and perhaps I really ought to get to putting on those...
Welcome to October, also known as bat appreciation month. We have nine species of bats in Alberta, and every single one of them is an insectivore. This means...