SUMMER CROSSTRAINING It’s summertime and for many, the end of a busy sports season – hockey, volleyball, competitive school and club teams, and seasonal...
Author - Jennifer Gordon - Bragg Creek Physiotherapy
Jennifer Gordon
Physiotherapist - Bragg Creek Physiotherapy
GREEN THUMBS…AND KNEES… AND BACKS You may think GARDENING couldn’t possibly be “exercise”. However, your body is bending, twisting, reaching and...
WHOLE DAY MATTERS The Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA), in conjunction with the Public Health Agency of Canada and ParticipACTION, have come up with a...
ANISOMELIA It sounds like a pretty name from an exotic dialect. It actually is the medical term for a leg length discrepancy (LLD). So, sorry, don’t name your...
Myofascial Cupping Technique Myofascial cupping is a soft tissue technique designed to loosen, lift and separate our layers of tissue. Firm silicone cups are...
ELBOW INJURIES The elbow is a complex joint that can be affected via the neck, shoulder, locally at the elbow, or the wrist. All these surrounding joints and...
Happy New Year 2023! Here we are with another new year ahead of us. Where does the time go? I usually save this article for some thoughts on starting the new...
WHAT’S THE BUZZ ABOUT INJECTIONS? What happens when you are diligent in your rehabilitation program, seeing your physiotherapist, chiropractor, and...
DRY NEEDLING FOR MYOFASCIAL TRIGGER POINTS Health care practitioners have used many techniques over the years in order to treat myofascial trigger points...
THE BEES KNEES It seems like summertime and all the activities we enjoy this time of year can really take a toll on our knees. The clinic has been full of sore...