BE A GOOD SWINGER Ok, I couldn’t resist with this title and perhaps I got your attention a bit quicker? For you golfers out there – hooray, spring has sprung...
Author - Jennifer Gordon - Bragg Creek Physiotherapy
Jennifer Gordon
Physiotherapist - Bragg Creek Physiotherapy
ANKLE SPRAIN REHAB Ankle sprains can happen any time of year. Summer hiking, winter slips and falls, and year-round sporting activities. Often people feel like...
THE WONDERFUL WORLD OF FASCIA In recent years there has been an explosion of research on fascia and how various treatment modalities (acupuncture, acupressure...
LOWER CROSSED SYNDROME This term, and posture description, refers to muscle imbalances in the lower back and hip region. We commonly see tight lower back...
HAPPY NEW YEAR COMMUNITY! I hope you had a wonderful holiday season with some time to relax and rejuvenate after 2023. It always seems like a whirlwind of...
GET BACK ON TRACK THIS NEW YEAR 2023 has come to an end. Hopefully you can look back on it with some happy memories, accomplished work and adventures in your...
FROZEN SHOULDER Brrr…it’s getting cold outside. It seems like just the right timing to discuss something like Frozen Shoulder! This frustrating injury...
THE PITFALLS OF DIAGNOSTIC REPORTS Are you concerned about your Xray or MRI findings? They may not be worth the worry and stress! Medical imaging such as...
SEGMENTAL NEUROPATHIC DYSFUNCTION What does neuropathy mean? A neuropathy refers to an issue with the nerve root. We have nerve roots that branch off our...
ALIGN YOURSELF – LOWER LEG INJURIES As all you outdoor enthusiasts in the Foothills embark on summer trail running, hiking, biking and sunny dog walks, we see...