Just recently I received an email that caught my attention. It was advertising an online leadership seminar entitled, “The Pound For Pound Principle.” I don’t...
Author - Duane Harder
Duane is a pastor, educator and counsellor.
For many the statement, “I want it yesterday!” describes our expectation of immediate production. When I was a child, the introduction of fast food meant the...
I was asked to see a young man who had tried to commit suicide and failed. He lamented the fact that he couldn’t even succeed at killing himself. A young lady...
Ruth Graham, the wife of evangelist Dr. Billy Graham, is quoted as having requested that her tombstone have the words, “Thank you for your patience...
On December 31, 2019 who would have thought that the New Year would put us in a place where we would have to choose lives over livelihood. The consequences of...
A young boy loved baseball. His final game of the season wasn’t going too well. He was the “catcher.” With two down, the tying run on third and the go-ahead...
There was one instrument on my brother’s plane that he called the “attitude instrument.” This device determined whether the plane was climbing or descending...
For Charlie Brown, Valentines was a stressful time. His mailbox would remain empty without any Valentine cards. The pain of his loneliness and rejection would...
WOW! 19 years of the 21st century have already been lived. It seems only yesterday that the prophets of doom were forecasting a worldwide meltdown due to the...
As we neared the airport, I could see our plane on the approach to the runway. I watched in unbelief as it proceeded to take off. I went into the terminal and...