A few years after we were married a good friend said to me, “Duane, are you happily married?” I pondered the question and then replied, “I didn’t know the goal...
Author - Duane Harder
Duane is a pastor, educator and counsellor.
You ask a person to do something, and they respond, “Why?” We give a reasonable response only to be confronted with a further, “Why is that important?” Our...
In a classic Peanuts comic strip, Charlie Brown goes to Lucy for psychiatric help. He says, “What can you do when you don’t fit in? What can you do...
Back in the dark ages when dinosaurs roomed the prairies, we had a collection of stories by Ethel Barret on a vinyl record. One of the stories was about Buzz...
You hear the sound of an explosion. You rush outside and see flames inside the neighbor’s house. A disoriented mother stands looking at the house and then...
Habits can be tombstones or stepping-stones. The Merriam-Webster dictionary describes habit as: “a settled tendency or usual manner of behavior.” We...
In October of 1843, Charles Dickens set out to write a story that he hoped would help alleviate his financial pressures. In a record six weeks he produced A...
In his book No Limits: Blow the Cap Off Your Potential, John C. Maxwell says, “Everything worthwhile in life — everything you want, everything you desire...
The ad goes something like this: “This week’s lotto ticket is worth 40 million and as your dream coach I’m here to help you dream to the max.” The...
Just recently I received an email that caught my attention. It was advertising an online leadership seminar entitled, “The Pound For Pound Principle.” I don’t...