Confrontation — Caustic or Caring? We probably have all been in situations of conflict where we have felt the sting of caustic comments and perhaps been the...
Author - Duane Harder
Duane is a pastor, educator and counsellor.
Keep On Climbing “Everything worthwhile is uphill. Sadly, many people have uphill hopes and downhill habits.” ( John Maxwell) He went on to say, “Nothing that...
Honesty Without Tact “I don’t beat around the bush; I just tell it like it is!” The man who was the president of the denomination where I served, spoke to me...
Motivational speaker Jim Rohn is famous for saying, “You’re the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.” Take some time to think about that...
As I look out the window and see the brown hills, I have to remind myself that Christmas is just a bit over a month away. Having been raised in the town of...
Wayne Gretzky was an outstanding hockey player and earned the title, “The Great One.” In the sport of boxing, Mohamed Ali claimed to be the greatest. I must...
Wayne Gretzky was an outstanding hockey player and earned the title, “The Great One.” In the sport of boxing, Mohamed Ali claimed to be the greatest. I must...
Churchill knew the power of words and used them effectively during World War 2. In one of his speeches he said,” You ask, what is our policy? I can say: It is...
Churchill knew the power of words and used them effectively during World War 2. In one of his speeches he said,” You ask, what is our policy? I can say: It is...
We began our journey in life totally dependent on the nutrients we received in our mother’s womb. When we were born our need for adult care continued. “But”...