Developing the Power of Influence Last month we started looking at ten possibilities for developing the power of influence. Here is a brief recap of the first...
Author - Duane Harder
Duane is a pastor, educator and counsellor.
Developing the Power of Influence Johnny Gaudreau’s death brought an outpouring of love and respect from thousands of people. What triggered such a response...
Build a Future with Better Words At some point in your life you have probably heard the phrase, “Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt...
From the Pen of My Wife This Christmas I would like to give you a gift from my beloved wife. Reading through her journals has brought back treasured memories...
Grow Up! When we were young and did something foolish, we probably heard our parents say something like this, “When are you going to grow up?” In other words...
Reaching for the Top Someone has sad, “Winning isn’t everything – it just comes in ahead of anything that is second.” The fact is, winning isn’t everything...
Building Generational Transfer A young apprentice turned to the journeyman craftsman and said, “Teach me the tricks of the trade.” The skilled craftsman said...
In Search of Manhood In a few weeks we will celebrate Father’s Day. For some it will be a day of celebration and joy. Fond and precious memories will be...
Spring Cleaning For seasoned Albertans, Spring is that time of year when you experience all four seasons in a month. Realistically it just seems that way. For...
Boring, Boring, Boring There is an ad for home maintenance services on Global News at 6 that encourages homeowners to turn the boring home-care jobs over to a...