Greetings all; As I wrap up my term as President of Bragg Creek and Area Chamber of Commerce I’d like to share achievements, challenges and next steps. I have...
Author - Bragg Creek & Area Chamber of Commerce
Greetings! Save the date Nov 15, 7 PM, The Post House, 36 White Ave for our Annual General Meeting. We have several Executive positions available, along with...
Thank you so much for attending our second Arts, Eats and Beats event. To our local business owners who financially sponsored this event a special thank you:...
Arts, Eats & Beats Sponsorship opportunity! Help us fill the hamlet with music on Sept. 16, 2023 in Bragg Creek, AB. Join us to celebrate art, music, and...
Greetings; SLOW YOUR ROLL, asks the other half of the population who live here. Our wildlife babies are being born so please slow down to spare a road accident...
Hello to all from Bragg Creek and Area Chamber of Commerce: My personal motto for my role this term has been: CONNECT, COLLABORATE and CONTRIBUTE all through...
Greetings fine people! Here are the latest Chamber updates: Councillor Hanson Meeting Several community group leaders met with Councillor Hanson (at his...
Marketing your business – your input please! Hello everyone, We have some marketing ideas and we need your input. Would you like the Chamber to have a...
Chamber Happenings Monthly Mingle Meeting March 15, all welcome! Join us at The Post House March 15, 7 PM for a Business Net Working Meet and Greet. Meet and...
The Makings of a good Chamber With the New Year brings reflection with plans and goals for the year ahead. Last year the Chamber spent a great deal of time...