
Andrea Kidd – Nov 2019

The Castle

“For this is what the high and lofty One says – he who lives forever, whose name is holy: ‘I live in a high and holy place, but also with him who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite’.”

(Isaiah 57:15)
Illustration by Russ Rodman

Hard stone walls, rough against my skin, tower above me, high and alone on the hill top, haughtily overlooking the busy neighbours greeting each other in the market place below. These domineering castle towers are strong to keep out intruders; the arrow slits are manned with archers ready to attack any who dare to approach.

My heart is like that castle. My guard is up. My self sufficiency is my pride. I need no man by my side. My position is attack. My armour has no crack. I accept nothing. I owe nothing. I am rich in myself and need no one else.

But my castle walls hide a soul that is pitifully poor. I must protect the poverty of my spirit from outsiders, withdraw from sight, back into my castle with the drawbridge raised. My riches are inadequate, fed by fear and useless activity. I guard my empty, lonely heart.

Jesus says, “Come out of that prison that you put yourself in. You know your spirit is thirsty for life. You’re so tired of the effort to maintain this strife. Drink deeply from my bottomless well of fresh, clear water.” He invites me to leave the dark keep1 and cross the moat. “Toss your boots aside,” He smiles, “and wiggle your toes in my lush, green grass. See the white daisy-stars and blue harebells I made for you. Feel the breath of my Spirit in the breeze; let it dispel your fears; let it ease away your resentment, your criticism, your cynicism, your shame and hurt pride. Let my Spirit fill you and preserve you from evil, releasing you to stand tall. Let go of your will, let the castle crumble. Your heart is safe with Me and no one can measure my peace.”

My rules crippled me; my iron will ruled me. Now I choose to dwell under the sovereignty of the One whose truth has the right to dominate me and in that domination I find an inexplicable freedom.

“Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”

(Matthew 5:3)

1 A keep is the term for a strong central fortress inside of a castle, which usually contained stores of food, water and weapons for use during sieges.

by Andrea Kidd


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