The 2022 Winter 55Plus Games were just completed April 7-11 in Edmonton. 1100 athletes attended. Eight Zones from across the Province compete against each other in some 15 sporting Events, as well as Arts and Creative writing. Our Zone is #2, administered by Big Country Seniors Sports Society. We (BCSSS) sent 150 participants, and as you will note herein, some 72 won medals, Gold, Silver, or Bronze. Our Gold Medal Winners all qualify to play in the Canada 55Plus Games, which will be held this coming August in Kamloops, BC. In early June the 2022 Alberta Summer Games will be held in Peace river, AB. Zone Qualifiers in some 15 games, as well as Crafts & Photography, are near completion. We anticipate 120-140 players from our Zone will compete there. Those Gold Winners will also qualify for the Canada Games in Kamloops in August.
Please contact me for further details. Photographs of Winners are available upon request.
Douglas E. Campbell
Cell: 1-403-932-6866