Hope everyone had a happy and safe Thanksgiving. It’s hard to believe we have already completed four qualifiers for the summer games – golf, cycling, horseshoes and bocce, darts for the winter games and one open event in lawn bowling that has qualified for Kamloops. It is such a busy time with qualifiers for the winter games almost every week in the next few months. You should have received an email with the schedule and there should be posters at your local senior and rec centres and other community bulletin boards. Everything is online at alberta55plus.ca and you can check all the rules for your particular event.

In memorium
Peggy Stockwell passed away on May 20, 2021 at the age of 93. She moved from Turner Valley to Sundre in 2002, and at ninety years of age she moved in to the Mountain View Senior’s Housing complex. She competed in cribbage in the Alberta 55+ Games for many years and has many medals to show for it, including a gold in the last Provincial Games in 2019 in Medicine Hat. She was a strong competitor until the end, participating in many activities at the Lodge and loving her life there!