Fort Facts
HI! Our names are Xayden & Adam. We are 10 and 11 year olds that are trying to take away your boredom. We are writing an article about forts.
The first fort we’re going to talk about is the tree fort. There are many different kinds of tree forts. Lets start with kind where you build it on the ground. These forts you can make as high as you want you want but that is a lot harder. For these kind of forts you want to find a spot on the ground for your fort. Then you build a base for your fort so it is more sturdy. Your base could just be the ground or something else. Then you build the walls. I Would suggest using bigger logs. You can build a roof if you want, just be careful. Fill the cracks with moss, that will keep the fort insulated.
Now we are going to talk about the tree house. You need to find a sturdy tree. I would suggest spruce tree because they are more sturdy. Now you find the spot where you want to build it. You start building from the floor up. Make a ladder to get up in the tree house. You can decorate with what ever you want.
Let’s go to a volcano styled snow fort. A volcano styled fort is a fort that is deep inside and tall on the outside. You want to dig down in the snow so you have more room. Then you get blocks to build on top and you can add a tunnel if you want. I would suggest using packed blocks.
Lets go to an igloo. For an igloo you are going to need packed snow to creat the blocks. You are going to want bigger blocks , that will creat a stronger igloo. Once you have the base done you can start laying blocks on top of each other. The blocks should be pretty close in size.
Now we are going to our personal favourite wich is the blanket fort. For the blanket fort you are going to need to use all sized blankets. Use some chairs to put the blankets on or bigger tables. Get some pillows to weigh the blankets down if you need. In our picture we used a pool table, bar stools , a bed and lots of blankets.
We hope you enjoyed our article! See you next time!