Sheep River Library
Diamond Valley/Longview

Sheep River Library – Apr 2020

Going viral

By the time you read this, the library will have been closed for two weeks and is not anticipating opening before April 14. The situation is very fluid right now with changes being made by Marigold Library System and TRAC on a daily basis. The best place to get information on what services you do have access to is our Facebook Page and Website ( You can also call the library at 403-933-3278. We will have staff in the building from 10 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday to assist you.

If you have an item on hold, you can call the library and we will check it out to you. When you arrive at the library, please come to the back door and either call to say you are here or knock loudly and we will hand the item to you.

For those who are self-isolating, this is probably the best time to dive into our e-resources. To access these resources, go to our webpage and click on the e-resource button located at the top on the right-hand side. You will find newspapers including the Calgary Herald in Press Reader; magazines in RB Digital and Flipster. E-books and audiobooks are available through Overdrive and the Cloud Library. Most of these will have a tutorial available to help you learn how to use them. The resource called Niche Academy also contains tutorials on how to get these working for you. Niche Academy also has videos on how to use programs such as Word and Excel. If you have any problems, please call the library and Gita, who is our resident e-resource expert, will walk you through it.

We are hoping that our patrons can still place holds on items in our library but as I write this, it would seem there is a problem somewhere in the system for placing holds. Marigold is looking into it, so as I said before, check our Facebook and website pages for updates.

As librarians we are always concerned that the information people are searching for is accurate, authentic and current.

Make sure that any information you are getting about the virus is correct. Any of the following websites will provide factual and useful information:

Please stay safe during this time and know that we miss having in you in library. On a day like today, when the lights are off, and no one is here it is a stark contrast to the normally busy and sometimes loud hub of activity we usually are. We miss the pounding Zumba music, the pre- schools kids singing their lungs out, the poets, the songwriters, the quilters, the scrabble players, the book club devotees, our precious volunteers and all the local community groups who make use of our facility. You are the heart and soul of our library and it feels very empty without you here. So, please practice all safety measures so that we can get through this and get back to normal as soon as possible.

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