Suzanne Oel Councillor
Diamond Valley/Longview Local Political News Priddis/Millarville/Red Deer Lake

COUNCILLOR UPDATE – Suzanne Oel – Foothills County – Mar 2025

Suzanne Oel – Division 4

Greetings! Sharing my News Update…

2025 Events – Please mark these dates in your calendar! As mentioned in my February article, I am working with County departments and community groups to offer some informative events in 2025, which I hope you can attend. Please mark these three dates, below, in your calendar as planning continues. A few more details are added to the event summaries, below.

High Country Rural Crime Watch Association (HCRCWA) AGM: Mark your calendar for Thursday, March 13, 2025, 7 pm, at the Priddis Community Hall. The HCRCWA will hold a short AGM, including a recap about the association and elections. Following the AGM, there will be a presentation + Q&A session with our local Diamond Valley RCMP Detachment representatives, including the Staff Sergeant. Topics of interest to our area will be discussed: more police visibility, road safety, rural patrols, speeding enforcement, police body-worn cameras, recent stats, cyclist and “share the road” issues. Bring your questions along and join in the conversation.

Wildlife Co-existence Workshop: Mark your calendar for Tuesday, April 8, 2025, 7 pm, at the Priddis Community Hall. Foothills County and Alberta Environment departments are collaborating to provide presenters and are teaming up with local community associations and HCRCWA to host this Wildlife Coexistence Workshop. We are planning to include these topics: introduction to our Agricultural Services Department, wildlife species awareness, conflict-reduction strategies, carnivores, managing the local Elk situation, recognizing invasive species, and Q&A with presenters. More in my next HCN article.

Chainsaw and Tree Safety Workshop: Mark your calendar for Tuesday, May 6, 2025, 7 pm, at the Priddis Community Hall. Foothills County will be connecting us with an accredited instructor so we can learn some safety tips on dealing with our west country treed properties. Again, this event will be a collaboration of guest presenters, County departments and community groups. Whether its seasonal clean-up, clearing a treed area, pushing back the tree growth to FireSmart around buildings, or responding to the dead-fall of a windstorm, tree management is required every year. We hope to include these topics: awareness about safe chainsaw use, understanding tree dynamics, how to approach a clean-up, where to take accredited chainsaw training, and Q&A with presenters. The focus of our meeting will be educational presentations and discussions with residents, along with introductions to our Agricultural Services Department and some local area tree- services contractors. Tools will not be used by residents. More in my next HCN article.

Be on the look out: In mid-February, the Hawk’s Landing Community experienced vandalism of two entry signs, which stated “Hawk’s Landing At Priddis Greens”. Parts of the community signs were removed and taken. If you know anything about the whereabouts of the missing metal pieces, with the words “At Priddis Greens”, please call the RCMP complaints line: 403.933.4262.

Policing Study: In 2024, Foothills County was awarded a Police Transition Grant. A request for proposals was advertised to conduct a Public Safety Cost Benefit Analysis for Foothills County. MNP was awarded the contract to carry out the study and report on findings. The final report was presented to Council on February 5, 2025, which you can read in that Agenda. Foothills County faces a changing landscape in its approach to law enforcement and public safety services, including legislative changes, staffing issues, and financial pressures. This report analyzed various law enforcement resource options and service models, primarily comparing the existing RCMP service model with alternatives, including the expansion of the Community Peace Officers’ authorities and contracting services from the Alberta Sheriffs. The report highlighted public safety topics and service delivery analysis of legislation, operations, management and finances. Lastly, concluding next step options were stated: maintain status quo, expand authorities of the Community Peace Officers, and explore opportunities with Sheriffs. Council acknowledged the report and directed administration to provide the report to the Rural Foothills Policing Committee for discussion. Additionally, Foothills County just learned that enhanced policing options with the RCMP may also be available again. Administration will consult with the RCMP and provide an update on logistics and costs back to Council soon.

For Other News & Updates:

Visit High Country News online for my previous articles.

With Best Regards,

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