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MLA UPDATE – SARAH ELMELIGI – Banff-Kananaskis – Jul 2024

It’s hard to believe that a year has passed since I was honoured to be elected as the MLA for Banff-Kananaskis. Reflecting on the campaign and the many months of preparation before, I am still humbled and awed by the dedication of my team and the hundreds of volunteers who knocked on thousands of doors, spent innumerable hours on the phone, and installed hundreds of signs across the riding. The successes we achieved was a direct result of their grassroots efforts and collaborative spirit. This past year has only deepened my appreciation for the community’s involvement and the powerful impact we can have when we work as a team. And I remember you – standing at your door, asking good questions about me and the NDP and how we would serve you, your family, your business, and your community. Working everyday to learn more about how best to champion your needs and represent you in Edmonton remains the honour of my life so far.

As your MLA, my love and respect for this riding has grown more than I would have ever imagined. From the rolling fields of Priddis, the forests of Waiparous and Bragg Creek, the up and bustling communities of Harmony and Springbank, the history of Millarville, to the tourism rich mountain lands of the Bow Valley from Dead Man’s Flats to Lake Louise, and the two vibrant First Nations of Tsuut’ina and Mini Thni – the diversity of our riding remains a cornerstone of what makes Banff- Kananaskis so special and is something I am continually committed to celebrating and preserving.

One of the most rewarding aspects of this year has been witnessing the intentionality with which people choose to live here and the ways you find to continually teach me about… everything. The land, with its breathtaking vistas and rich opportunities for recreation and livelihood, binds us together. Whether through the quiet moments of a morning coffee or the vigorous activities of hiking and biking, our shared love for this landscape continues to inspire and unite us.

I have focused my first year on building relationships with as many constituents, community groups, businesses, and municipal councilors as possible.

A significant part of my journey has been the learning from the Iyarhe Nakoda and Tsuut’ina First Nations. Each day I go into the legislature, I bring all of you with me. I stand and speak the truths you have shared with me, the lessons you’ve taught me, and the things you’ve asked me to share. Our shared commitment to community values with healthy rural economies, and our shared interest in conserving the Eastern Slopes and the headwaters of our vital rivers—Bow, Elbow, Kananaskis, Highwood, Sheep, and Ghost—has strengthened and extended our impact beyond our boundaries.

Throughout my first year, you voiced that health care, affordability, education, and economic opportunities were top priorities. I’ve also heard concerns from many of you about logging in West Bragg Creek, proposed dams on the main stem of the Bow River, provincial over-reach into municipal decision making, and recreation management. Over the past year, your concerns have guided my actions and policies.

However, understanding meaningful connection goes beyond legislative halls, which is why I initiated a “tour schedule” to visit different communities at every opportunity I could. MLA on Tour has allowed me to meet many of you in person, whether in community halls or coffee shops, sitting with you, hearing from you, laughing, and even crying with you. Of all the things I do as your MLA, MLA on Tour is my favourite and I continue to invite you to come sit with me.

I often see many of you commenting on my socials, “Sarah when do you sleep?”. A fair question for an MLA, but if you talk to my team in the office, your invites, calls, visits, and e-mails fill my bucket better than any coffee would. Your invitations have given me the opportunity to engage with you directly, understand your concerns, and celebrate our shared achievements. Please continue to keep our office informed about events in your community—I am committed to being present and involved (and yes, I will still take that cup of coffee).

The summer ahead is filled with BBQs, community events, farmer’s markets, and opportunities to sit at a picnic table in the sunshine and catch up. I look forward to connecting with you in your community!

Thank you for your continued support and engagement. I look forward to another year of growth, collaboration, and progress.

Sarah Elmeligi


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