
Andrea Kidd – Jul 2023


Why do I write? Because I hate chaos!

Sometimes I find myself in a dilemma. I don’t know what to do. Whatever I choose seems to be a problem. Or, there are too many things to do and I don’t know where to start. My mind is like a disorganized grocery store with too many trucks arriving at the grocery store at the same time, and workers opening boxes and piling the contents on any shelf that happens to have space on it. The milk is stashed next to the kiwis and the lettuce is next to the toilet cleaners.

Life, at times, dumps an overload and it’s chaos. That’s when I write.

Our local grocery store has a manager who has a plan of his store. Each item has its place. Workers can check the plans and bring order from the chaos of all those boxes coming in through the loading bay.

So, when overwhelmed with chaos, it is not a bad idea to get paper and a pen and make a plan. Or, if no plan is possible at this time, just let the brain have free run. For me it has to be scrap paper and a pen with free flowing ink; not a fancy journal from the gift shop because this writing is just for me. It will not be graded or judged. It’s to release built up tension.

Jotting down ideas, sketching diagrams, making lists and writing a stream of thought; all help to sort out confusion. Writing is a pathway for the mind to see clearly. It helps us know truth; it reveals the best way to achieve a goal.

Sometimes it even convinces us that the goal must be abandoned. And that’s okay, too.

There is a supernatural element to this process. We use the brain God created for us to transfer thoughts to pen and paper or keyboard and screen, and order emerges from the chaos when God breathes His Spirit into his creation as He did when His Spirit hovered over the waters of the deep. (Genesis 1:2)


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